Cautionary Statement
Bearclaw Capital Corp.
Cautionary Statement
The information contained in this website provides a general overview of Bearclaw Capital Corp. It is not meant to be a complete review of all matters concerning the Company. Bearclaw Capital Corp. makes no representations nor provides any warranty as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of such information. The contents of this website may be revised by the company at anytime without prior notice. In no event shall Bearclaw Capital Corp. be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or other damages arising or connected with the use of this website or the information herein.
Some of the statements in this website constitute forward- looking statements which involves inherent risks and uncertainty affecting the business of Bearclaw Capital Corp. The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed nor accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents herein. By accessing this website, the reader is bound by the terms and conditions set forth below:
The contents of this website are provided for informational purposes only and may not be copied, summarized, distributed, modified, transmitted, revised or commercially exploited without the Company’s prior written permission.
The information in this website is time sensitive and is accordingly subject to change at any time. The information herein is based on sources believed to be reliable, however, no assurances can be provided to the reader that the information is accurate and complete.
The Company expressly warns readers not to rely on the information herein for investment or other related purposes. Accordingly, any use of this information is at the reader’s risk without liability to the Company including liability with respect to losses or damages of any kind, including consequential or special damages.
Under no circumstances should any material in this site be construed as an offering of securities. The reader is referred to his/her professional investment advisor regarding investment or related decisions respecting the securities of the Company.
Links to other internet sites (“hypertext links”) are included as a convenience to readers of this site. When a link site is accessed, the reader is accessing an independent site over which the Company has no control. The presence on this site of linked sites does not mean that the Company endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or presentation of linked sites.